2013-09-21 00:00 Lech Poznań

Lech Poznań - Pogoń Szczecin 1:2

In the game of 8th round of T-Mobile Ekstraklasa Lech Poznań lost with Pogoń Szczecin 1:2. The team from Poznań was winning at halftime thanks to the goal of Manuel Arboleda, but Adam Frączczak and Marcin Robak both scored in the second half, letting their team return home with three points.

It was clear from the beginning that both teams respected each other and none of them could take control over the game. The first goal opportunity was created by the guests in the 18th minute. Lewandowskis cross was precise enough for Tchami to cause danger for Lech, but the header went slightly wide. The hosting team had their first opportunity 6 minutes later. After Henriquez corner kick, the ball accidentally fell under Lovrencsics feet but the Hungarians shot was saved by the goalkeeper. That night Lechs most dangerous weapon seemed to have been the corners. In the 31st minute once again Henriquez cross caused confusion among the defenders. Manuel Arboleda was in the right place at the right time and with a precise shot he beat the goalkeeper. 3 minutes later Mateusz Możdżeń had an opportunity to secure the lead of his team but he waited too long with the shot and at last it was blocked by the defenders of Pogoń Szczecin. The scored goal boosted the morals of the team from Poznań who finally took control over the game. In the 36th minute once again Janukiewicz was tested when Teodorczyk tried shooting from 18 meters. Just before the halftime Lovrencsics crossed the ball into the penalty area where Claasen was waiting but the South African player couldnt place the ball in the net.

The beginning of the second half belonged to the team from Szczecin. In the 53rd minute Akahoshis cross caused danger for Lech when its defender, Arboleda, shot the ball at his own goal. Kotorowski instinctively saved the first shot, but Frączczak was in the right place and he tied it for Pogoń Szczecin. 5 minutes later the guests were already winning. Once again Akahoshi was the one who sent a great cross and thanks to Arboledas unfortunate intervention, the ball found itself under Robaks feet. The player of Pogoń gave no chance to the goalkeeper, placing the ball in the back of the net. Lech Poznań began attacking but they had difficulties in creating goal chances. In the 71st minute Claasens freekick was saved by Janukiewicz. A minute later Ślusarski tried surprising the opponent with a volley but it was blocked. Lech Poznań didnt manage to equalize, allowing the opponent to take all 3 points home. 


Lech Poznań - Pogoń Szczecin 1:2 (1:0)

Goals: 1:0 Arboleda (31), 1:1 Frączczak (53), 1:2 Robak (58)

Spectators: 17063

Referee: Paweł Pskit (Łódź)

Yellow cards: Teodorczyk, Trałka, Ślusarski - Frączczak, Golla, Pietruszka

Lech: Krzysztof Kotorowski - Tomasz Kędziora (16. Mateusz Możdżeń), Hubert Wołąkiewicz, Manuel Arboleda, Luis Henriquez - Gergo Lovrencsics, Łukasz Trałka, Karol Linetty, Daylon Claasen - Łukasz Teodorczyk (73. Szymon Drewniak), Bartosz Ślusarski

Pogoń: Radosław Janukiewicz - Adam Frączczak, Wojciech Golla, Maciej Dąbrowski, Mateusz Lewandowski (76. Przemysław Pietruszka) - Maksymilian Rogalski (90. Abdul Ouedraogo), Bartosz Ława - Herve Tchami (78. Jakub Bąk), Takafumi Akahoshi, Takuya Murayama - Marcin Robak 

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Enea Stadion
ul. Bułgarska 17
60-320 Poznań

Infolinia biletowa:
tel.  61 886 30 30   (10:00-17:00)

Infolinia klubowa: Tel: 61 886 30 00
mail: lech@lechpoznan.pl
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